Sunday, June 8, 2014

Book Review: House of Leaves

To all you multi-taskers out there, here's so you can listen to my ramblings. Enjoy!

I finally finished reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski and my eyes are crusted with dried tears. I quickly logged into my Goodreads account and rated it a full five stars and clicked on “Read”. Naturally, I checked out the book's page to read the comments to see if anyone shared the same thoughts as I had. There was one whom thought about it highly and I agreed with the comment by clicking the “Like” button. But then I saw a whole lot of other people's ratings on the book and calling it names, like “bullshit” and long paragraphs of how the book was pretentiously written. So now, I'm sitting down here before I lose this feeling and write about how I felt and these are my honest opinions that are my own, not owing at all to anyone else.