Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Guess who got bored today?

I'm out of white paint so I decided to try my hand at drawing with pens this time. Only one color though, because I'm too thrifty to get several colored pens.


Might scan the original and put it to good use. Or not. I don't know, depends on the situation I guess.

Oh, and I just realized that I prefer listening to Eminem when I paint/draw/sketch.

Listening to: "Sing for the Moment" by Eminem
Reading: "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski
Watching: random concert clips 
Playing: ...
Eating: ...
Drinking: alkaline water

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Despite the weather

Been sick for a few days and now I'm starting to get the sniffles. However so, I managed to get these done. I painted these at night because that is when everything calms down.



I need a hug...

Listening to: "Brave" by Sara Bareilles 
Reading: "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski
Watching: paint dry
Playing: ...
Eating: ...
Drinking: alkaline water

Sunday, July 14, 2013


"Journey's End"
Okay, cheesy title or whatever you wanna call it, the title stays. But I apologize for the horrid quality. The camera completely ruined the colours and I'm too lazy to use/check on my scanner. Heck, my mom and sister could not even tell what it is when I showed this image to them. But then when I handed them the actual painting, they were like: "Ooh, that's what it is!"

Anyway, this is suppose to accompany the final stanza of one of my poems, "Amaya." 

"As the stranger's journey came to a closing
A warm light slowly came flooding
The beams against her trails complementing
Shadows disappearing, the traveler, too, dissolving
The bloody-like clouds seemed burning
No sooner they would turn cool and calming
All the while as she was vanishing
She made a promise of soon returning"

I love this one the most because it has a sort of special bond with me. Not only I wrote it within one night and recited it in public the next day, but I feel like there is something very personal, though universal, in those lines. Like I can find something to relate myself with everyone else.

So I'm going to do my best for this, despite being a side-project. I want to do it properly. Hopefully I can share it with as many people as I could.

Listening to: people talking
Reading: a bunch of books
Watching: paint dry
Playing: ...
Eating: ...
Drinking: alkaline water

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Not so bad!

The examination that is. Turns out it's just like a 2-hour and 45-minute writing marathon. I've sat through longer exams before. Even up to 3 hours, no joke. However, it could have been nice to be able to get up once in a while because it was freezing in there for the first hour and a half.

I am sure that anyone would guess where I ran to after the invigilators told us that we could leave.

Anyway, it was quite a challenge since we had three papers one after the other but it was really comfortable in the exam hall (it was held in a hotel ballroom, and yes I have to admit that it's a first-time experience for me when usually I get a dusty classroom or a huge echoing hall).

Anyway, I have 12 days to wait for the results to come out. I am a bit nervous, especially for the Writing paper. Oh well, all I can do now is pray for the best!

Listening to: "What About Now" by Daughtry
Reading: "Gadsby" by Ernest Vincent Wright
Watching: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"(1937)
Playing: ...
Eating: ...
Drinking: ...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Uninvited guests

The sound of claws scraping against the rough surface, just like every night. The hours of which they could be heard would be earlier or later in the evening – brief seconds or prolonged moments – but they will be there without fail. Somewhere deep in my dark mind, I saw them crawling on the floor of which would be my ceiling. 

Craving for attention now, are we? So late at night and yet still so “lively.”I would beg for you to leave, dear nocturnal intruder, though it is not of my nature to succumb to fear of the night.

Once the scraping noises disappeared, I sighed in relief. Just like every night before, it will be gone in an instant so then I could continue my interrupted dreams. Until then...
...damn squirrels!

Listening to: "Who's They" by Daughtry
Reading: "Gadsby" by Ernest Vincent Wright
Watching: ...
Playing: ...
Eating: ...
Drinking: alkaline water

Friday, July 5, 2013

"Here's To Closure"

Got inspired while I was doing laundry just now. Isn't it just the little things that keep our minds well-fed with ideas? By the way, this is just the first draft. Worked on the melody of the chorus as I was writing it down. Gosh, I missed writing lyrics! 

hey, soldier boy
who gave you permission
to wreck a heart?
hey, baby boy
think you're a man
with those childish delusions?
took word from another
no different from yourself
what makes you understand
something you never had?

here's to the closure
that never happened
closing the book now
of an endless story

you pulled yourself down
and now you've gone under
you tore yourself apart
as you let it crumble
all I can say now
is that I wish for the best
pray you won't break any more hearts
like you broke mine

hey, soldier boy
do you take pleasure
in giving false hopes?
grow up, boy
your juvenile crimes
of poisoning minds
left these hearts bleeding
for your uncalled-for judgments
think you know it all
when you were never broken

repeat BRIDGE and CHORUS

Fun fact: Soldier Boy exists.
Edit: And I don't mean by Soulja Boy 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Of old fears and newfound addiction

"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.